notification of illness
Sickness reports are made by telephone between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. in the school office on (02151) 878860. You are also welcome to send an e-mail to the class teacher, but this is not compulsory at the moment.
Sorry & certificate
It is essential that your child brings a written excuse from their parents/guardians or a doctor's note when they return to school. The written excuse must be submitted to the class teacher within one week. Apologies submitted after the fact can no longer be accepted.
If a student is sent home because of illness, the child will receive a red note at school with the time and reason for the dismissal. The note is signed by the parents at home and returned to the class teacher. this applies
for the day as an apology, another written apology is not required for the discharge day.
As a parent, you can ask the class teacher when your child was absent and whether all lessons have been excused. You are welcome to do this by email.
The school is still entitled to request a medical certificate in justified individual cases in accordance with Section 43 (2) SchulG. In the case of absences immediately before and after the holidays, the temporal connection is sufficient to raise reasonable doubts about the reason given. This means: If your child is ill immediately before or after the holidays (last day of school or first day of school), a medical certificate must still be submitted.
Rewriting classwork or tests
There is only an entitlement to a make-up appointment if the child was reported sick by telephone on the day of illness and a written excuse or a doctor's certificate was submitted in good time. Anyone who has not submitted the apology by the deadline cannot write later. In this case, the class work or the test is "unsatisfactory" (=6).
For students who have excused themselves, a maximum of two make-up appointments are offered during regular school hours. If these are excused, they must be made up outside of normal school hours (afternoon or Saturday).