Martina Lindhoff
I'm Martina Lindhoff, special education teacher and learning coach.
There has been inclusion at the secondary school since 2016 and I have been part of the teaching staff ever since.

My tasks
On the one hand, I support and encourage students with special needs individually
their personal development.
I stand by the pupils with the special needs “learning” with differentiated
Materials aside, advise colleagues on the creation of differentiated
teaching materials and the selection of special materials, teach the
students from year 7 in technology and prepare them intensively with Ms. Tamara
Grgic (social educator for special education) on life after
school and professional life.
For students with special needs “Language” and “Emotional and Social
Development" I primarily advise my teaching colleagues at work
the students, who are promoted in the same way. On the one hand, this requires
linguistic relief and the development of a compensation for disadvantages
Pupils with special language needs, on the other hand, it can be individual
agreements on behavior.
I am also available to all colleagues if they have any questions regarding the application
Need for support or individual need for support and can find more here
Communicate offers of help outside of the school environment.
In addition, I offer learning coaching for all students of the system who
have difficulties learning. The reasons for this can be very diverse. in the
The stumbling blocks are then highlighted in a one-on-one discussion, common goals and
Ways to achieve this are worked out and accompanied by numerous interventions.