social learning
On this page you will find an overview of campaigns that we as a school have initiated to promote the social skills of the students in social life.

In the dispute arbitrator working group, the students learn how to solve various everyday conflicts non-violently, appropriately to the situation and on a person-related basis. Various areas related to the topic of conflict/quarrels are discussed in detail and presented and analyzed using role-playing games.
The mediator training lasts one school year, they meet weekly for 1.5 hours (Thursdays in the 8th and 9th hours).
After passing the exam, the students receive a certificate and are thus officially mediators at our school and they are allowed to work as students in grade 9.
You are now the point of contact for all students and their conflicts and arguments.
traffic education
Traffic education plays a central role at our school due to its location, as many students rely on public transport, but also on their bikes. Education and training in this area is an integral part of the individual years. During the traffic education days, which take place every school year, topics such as the blind spot, traffic rules, buses and trains, but also driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs and civil courage are dealt with. Distractions in road traffic caused by mobile phones and music are also central issues that we are tackling in cooperation with the Krefeld police and the SWK. The SWK works together with our school as part of the traffic education AG in class 5.

social internship
Since the 2013/14 school year, pupils in the 8th grade have been doing a social internship at the Realschule Horkesgath. As part of this internship, the young people are obliged to carry out a social activity.
The aim of the social internship is to strengthen the social responsibility and social skills of the students. In addition, they should deal in depth with the professional fields and the possibilities in the social area. In addition to the personal development of the young people, the internship also serves those who benefit from the social activity.
The students should
become aware of your own attitude towards social professions.
Get insights into professional fields in order to identify alternatives to stereotypical career ideas.
to discover one's own strengths and abilities as orientation and assistance in determining professional ideas and aptitudes.
develop social skills such as team, communication and conflict skills, which are increasingly expected of young people in the professional world.
learn to take responsibility.
gain personal experience for (professional) life.
school paramedic
The school medical service at our school is staffed by students in the 9th and 10th grades. One can choose the service within the framework of the AG lessons of the 8th grade. In this AG, intensive preparation for service in the medical room is taught for 1 year. The students learn theoretically, but also very practically in many case studies, what it means to be a school paramedic. The school paramedics at the Realschule not only get to know the typical injury patterns of everyday school life (stomach ache, headaches, abrasions, etc.), but are also trained in the currently valid version of First Aid. At the end of the year you will receive a certificate that you have completed a first aid course. This can then also be used for driving licenses and is valid for 2 years. In class 10 you can voluntarily return to the AG and do a refresher course. This becomes the first aid certificate extended by 2 years.